Pottery Painting

No Experience Necessary! Pottery painting is fun & simple for everyone ... idea books, magazines, sample pieces, stamps, stencils, lace, toothbrushes, designer stamps, sgraffito tools, and so much more are available for browsing & our staff is always on hand to provide tips & techniques. We'll even teach you how to paint!

Step One

Browse the shelves and pick a piece of unpainted pottery.

Step Two

Let us know when you're ready and we will teach you the basics.  You have unlimited access to our paint bar and tools, so don't worry if you forget something - come back and grab it as needed.

Step Three

Relax and paint your chosen piece!

Step Four

Check out with us and leave your masterpiece for us to fire in our kiln.

Step Five

Pick up your finished piece 5 days later. It will be food, drink, microwave and dishwasher safe.

No Studio Fee! You pay for the pottery piece you select and that is ALL, there is NEVER a studio fee! The cost labeled on pottery piece covers your pottery, paints, tools, and glazing/firing during your visit.

Pottery prices vary by selection and start at $8-12 for tiles, kid's figurines from $15 and up, and functional pottery such as banks, bowls, plates, and mugs anywhere from $20-25. Larger pieces like serving bowls and vases typically cost $30-40. We have all kinds of pieces - call us to get pricing on anything special you have in mind! We always have hundreds of items, from functional to decorative, in stock and frequently order special items as needed.

Frequently asked Questions

Is the paint non-toxic?
Yes, the paints and all other tools are nontoxic before and after firing.

I need my piece fired faster than 5 days, is there anything I can do to get it out sooner?
We have a Quickfire process that will have your piece ready in 3 days.  This costs an extra $5 per piece.

I didn't finish painting, can I come in some other day to work on it some more?
If you do not complete your piece during your first visit, we will wrap it up for you and you may bring your Work-In-Progress back to finish Monday through Thursday at no additional charge. There is a $5 Work-In-Progress fee on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Can I take this piece to go?  I'd like to work on it at home.
Sure!  We'll even give you 4 colors to take with you.  Make sure you bring back any unused paints - we will recycle them for you.  Taking paint to go is great for projects that involve kids in the classroom working on a big piece.

I saw this thing on Pinterest...
Bring in any reference materials you like - show it to us and we'll help you with color matching, designing, and creating your own version.

Can you do nice handwriting on it for me?
We can give you loads of tips and tricks for doing your own neat writing.  If you'd still like us to handle it, we have some commissioned artists that can take care of it for you - $3 for 3 small words, $5 for 3 large words.  Our studios have samples of the writing styles so you can preview them.

So you have commissioned artists?
Yes!  If you'd like us to create something more detailed, such as decorating handprints, recreating wedding invitations, or painting a memorial, we will work with you.  Stop into a studio or email us with your ideas.

Due to the unpredictable nature of pottery firings, we do not offer refunds on finished pottery.